Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cooper Thomas

So. our boy Cooper took his first "walk" today. He is the most amazing, laid back, chill out, 10 month old. Payton and I were in the kitchen. I baited Cooper with a toy and he proceeded to take 6 consecutive steps. It was awesome. I love that Payton and I were able to see. We were clapping and cheering for him. He had a, "what's the big deal?" look on his face! What a great day.

And to think, at one point I thought I would be satisfied with only one child. I was wrong. Thank God...I'm not in charge!


  1. were happy you were wrong too

  2. How exciting!!! He is so stinking cute! I want to bottle up those eyes and stare at them endlessly! I can't wait to play with him!!!
