Thursday, February 25, 2010


So, today I've been on a mad hunt to find our 2006 & 2007 tax returns. They have mysteriously dissapeared with a myriad of other piles of paperwork. We're getting our taxes done tomorrow. And, being our first time at the new tax place we need to bring in our last three years of tax returns. Too bad I can't find them. I'm sure when Sean gets home he'll search to no avail =[.
Unfortunately, I came across some trash as I searched through tubs of paperwork in the garage. Several years ago I received a letter which has been the hardest thing to date that I've had to "deal" with. I felt so belittled after receiving it, reading it, and then realizing how this person felt about me. It hurt me to the core. At first I saved it so I could respond to all the accusations and questionings of my character. Why I saved it after that is beyond me! So today as I thumbed through one particular pile in a tub, I found the letter. At first, I told myself I wouldn't read it. Eventually I glanced through a several paragraphs of this two page single spaced letter, it all pointed to the fact that I totally suck as a person, friend, leader, etc... I actually let it start to get to me again. Other people were named in it, who never said to me that they had problems or concerns with me. Then, all over again I started to doubt that they are actually my friends and that what was second hand written about them and myself in this letter was even true. I started praying, upset that I had even giving this any time of my day. Then I did what I should have done years ago. I threw it away, hopefully never to be seen by me again. Why I let words on paper cut so deep, I don't know.
So the trash went where the trash belongs. I should have burned it years ago when Sean suggested that I did! Maybe I should listen to Seanie more often. =]


  1. I'm sorry. I don't know why people feel the need to point out other people's weaknesses... whether they are true or imagined. (which in your case, I am sure they are made up, because you are just awesome!)

  2. I'm sorry you had a rough day. I can only imagine the feelings that piece of paper brought you. I know that God made you stronger through this experience and that I'm proud of you. You are a great mom, leader, friend and sister!
